1. Director of Medical Research, Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York, USA
2. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Manhattan College, New York
3. Dept. of Surgery, Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
4. Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Clinic, Chikamori Hospital, Kouchi, Japan
5. Prof. and Chairman of Dept. of Internal Medicine, and President of Nara Medical College, Nara, Japan and the members of his departmental staff
6. Prof. and Chairman of Dept. of Physiology, and Dean, School of Medicine, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan and the members of his departmental staff
7. Director, Gastroenterology & Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Clinic, St. Maria Hospital and Kurume University, Karume, Japan
8. Prof. and Chairman of Dept. of Anesthesiology, Kurume University, Karume, Japan