Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
Reference31 articles.
1. 1)Koenig TR, Wolff D, Mettler FA, Wagner LK: Skin injuries from fluoroscopically guided procedures: Part 1, Characteistics of radiation injury. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2001; 177(1): 3-11.
2. 2)Koenig TR, Mettler FA, Wagner LK: Skin injuries from fluoroscopically guided procedures: Part 2, Review of 73 Cases and Recommendations for Minimizing Dose Delivered to Patient. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2001; 177(1): 13-20.
3. 3)Vano E, Gonzalez L, Beneytez F, Moreno F: Lens injuries induced by occupational exposures in non-optimized interventional radiology laboratories. Br J Radiol 1998; 71: 728-733.
4. 4)Food and Drug Administration. Public health advisory: avoidance of serious X-ray induced skin injuries to patients during fluoroscopically-guided procedures. 1994.
5. 5)日本医学放射線学会放射線防護委員会:IVRに伴う患者および術者の被ばくに関する警告.日本医放会誌1995; 55(5): 367-368.