This study examines the economic models adopted by Arab open access journals in the field of education. The researcher identified these models based on the fees charged for various services, such as arbitration, publication, plagiarism reports, linguistic reviews, re-reviews, and others. The economic models were categorized into ten groups, including journals that do not charge any fees and those that charge for all services provided. The fees vary based on the researcher's affiliation, such as being part of the university or college that publishes the journal, being from the same country where the journal is published, or being from another country.
A field survey approach was used to collect data from the journals. This was done through a brief questionnaire containing open-ended questions, which was sent to the journals via their email addresses or through the 'Contact Us' feature on their websites.
The study's recommendations include the following:
Completing all data related to peer review and publication on journal websites.
Conducting similar studies in various fields.
Establishing a fund to finance open access, encouraging cooperation and sharing between universities and research institutions to support and sustain high-quality scientific research.
Arabic Portal for Librarianship and Information
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