1. Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi
With Law No. 6771 adopted in Turkey in 2017, the Parliamentary Government System, which had been in force for a long time, was replaced by the Presidential Government System. This change in the government system has caused significant changes in both the structuring and the functioning of the Turkish Public Administration. It is extremely clear that the change in the government system, which has significant impacts on the capital organization of the central administration, has also affected other institutions in close contact with the capital organization. The National Security Council, which is among the subsidiary institutions of the central administration, can be said to be one of the institutions affected by the change in the government system. However, there are few studies on this subject in the literature. For this reason, the subject of this study is the effects of the Presidential government system on the National Security Council. This study aims to analyze in detail the changes that have taken place in both the structure and functioning of the National Security Council with the transition from the parliamentary government system to the Presidential government system. In the study, an answer is sought to the question of what changes have taken place in the members, meetings, decisions, and organization of the general secretariat of the NSC.
Key Words: Public Administration, Presidential Government System, Auxiliary Administration, National Security Council
JEL Classification: H83, H10, H11, H19
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