Exploring Mental Health Literacy Among Children In Conflict With The Law


Abdul Rahman Imran ,Sudirman Natsir ,Suriah


Mental health literacy is one factor that can affect children's quality of life. This study aims to determine and compare the level of literacy and description of mental health in children who conflict with the law (CCL) in the province of Gorontalo, Indonesia. This study uses a mixed parallel method. The researcher collects qualitative and quantitative data using observation, in-depth interviews, document review, and a modified RI1 Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire. Informants are 21 children who conflict with the law (CCL)  in Gorontalo Province. The results on the level of mental health literacy showed that out of a total of 6 CCL perpetrators, three children were in the moderate category (50%), three children were in the less category (50%), and none had high literacy (0%). Meanwhile, of 15 CCL victims, 6 children were in the less category (40%), 8 were in the moderate category, and 1 child (7%) had high literacy. On average, the CCL perpetrator's mental state is better than the CCL victim's. CCL victims have the lowest score on cognitive ability, at 38%, and the highest on emotional ability, at 44%. CCL perpetrators have the lowest emotional ability at 34% and the highest cognitive ability at 41%. The legal process triggers stress, anxiety, poor sleeping and eating functions, communication disorders, and a drastic decrease in self-confidence. Providing a mental health literacy program can be a preventive measure to maintain mental health so they are ready to return to society.


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