1. Research Institute of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of the Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
Purpose.To study the short-term results of revision knee arthroplasty performed using metaphyseal sleeves.Patients and methods. During the period from 2013 to 2015 the total number of 40 patients was operated on. Type I femoral defects (by AORI classification) were diagnosed in 11 (27.5%), type II - in 26 (65.0%), type III - in 3 (7.5%) cases. Type I tibial defects were diagnosed in 2 (5.0%), type IIa - in 24 (65.0%), type IIb - in 11 (27.0%) and type III - in 3 (7.54%) cases. Metaphyseal femoral sleeves were used in 8 and metaphyseal tibial sleeve - in 40 patients.Results. Follow up period made up from 12 to 43 (mean 32.8) months. Excellent and good results by KSS scale were achieved in 30 (75.0%) of patients, by functional KSS scale - in 24 (60.0%) patients. Mean point by Knee Society Total Knee Arthroplasty Roentgenographic Evaluation scale in patients with femoral and tibial metaphyseal sleeves made up 2.35 versus 0.375 that confirmed the absence of progressive bone resorption. No one case of aseptic instability of the revision implant was observed. Repeated surgical intervention due to reinfection and knee joint contracture with pain syndrome was performed in 2 (5.0%) patients.Conclusion. The obtained data enable to recommend the use of metaphyseal sleeves for revision knee arthroplasty in patients with tibial and femoral defects of types II and III by AORI classification.
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