


1. Communal Institution of Higher Education «Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education» of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council»


The article analyzes the content of the terms self-actualization and self-realization in the context of the goalsetting process of the New Ukrainian School. It is shown that the identification of the terms self-actualization and selfrealization, which is often carried out in scientific works and directive documents, is methodologically unjustified and harmful to the practice of educational reforms. The prerequisites for a scientifically based delimitation of the content of both terms are defined. The main approaches to distinguishing the concepts of self-actualization and self-realization in scientific literature are summarized. It is appropriate to include the interpretation of the concepts of self-actualization and self-realization as a component of each other, demarcation as cognitive and activity phenomena, separation based on the dichotomy of ideal and real, and the use of philosophical categories of content and form. The methodological and practical expediency of using the concepts of human potential and the human factor to substantiate the specificity of the concepts of self-actualization and self-realization is shown. It is concluded that self-actualization reproduces the ancestral (spiritual) essence of a person in his individual being, therefore it contains a humanistic and sociocentric ideal in the form of guidelines for self-development, actualizing the future through the deployment of a person’s self-development potential. Within the process of self-actualization, the attitude to constant self-improvement necessary for modern education is provided as a search for oneself, coordination of one’s own competencies, values, meaningful life priorities with the needs of society and universal human values. Self-actualization within the priorities of the New Ukrainian School should be considered as the main goal, which ensures the self-development of the individual and is an integral goal of educational activity. In turn, self-realization reflects the pragmatic-competent dimension of educational activity, orients education and a person to the development of one’s own skills, knowledge, talents and their use in real life to ensure success and self-affirmation in the personal and professional sphere. Within the process of self-realization, the formation of a personality is also carried out, but mainly of a pragmatic nature - as the realization of one’s own plans and desires regarding the profession, social status, and individual achievements. Therefore, the global strategy of the New Ukrainian School should be oriented towards subordinating the goals of self-realization to more general tasks of self-actualization.


Communal Institution of Higher Education, "DNIPRO Academy of Continuing Education"

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