1. Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
The article considers student age as a special period of an individual's life. Student age is a sensitive period for the development of the main sociogenic potentials of a person. Studying in a higher educational institution develops individuality and gives an opportunity to influence the psyche. The authors see the definition of all kinds of violations for timely intervention and help as an important task. The article highlights Internet addiction as a psychological phenomenon, which consists in the fact that a person has an obsessive desire to constantly be on the World Wide Web.The authors identified as the factors of the emergence of Internet addiction in the student age the peculiarities of communication, which explain the emergence of Internet addictions. The authors analyzed the presence of Internet addiction in students of higher education - second-year students of the Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar as a pilot empirical study by developing a program and research methods, conducting empirical research and its processing.A small percentage (10%) of respondents with Internet addiction was obtained, while further work was to determine the reasons. Diagnostics of propensity to various addictions on fourteen scales showed that according to the scale of general propensity to addiction, most respondents have an average and high level of the studied addiction, and only less than 25 percent have a low level. The authors investigated the absence of addiction according to the scales (at least 80 percent of respondents have a low level): food, sexual, television and alcohol addiction; (more than 90 percent of respondents have a low level): drug addiction, drug addiction, religious addiction, work addiction. About 60% of respondents had high and medium levels of game addiction, computer addiction, smoking addiction, and love addiction. A low level of susceptibility to addiction to a healthy lifestyle was also found in the studied acquirers. Therefore, the main problems and addictions identified are Internet addiction. This correlates with the research of other authors in this area.
Communal Institution of Higher Education, "DNIPRO Academy of Continuing Education"
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