1. Dnipro University of Technology
The article examines decentralized models of general secondary education management in Poland and Germany. It was revealed that reforming the system of public administration in the field of education became a component of preparation for European integration. However, the specific steps of the transformation of the management system in today's conditions involve not only the introduction of elements of European models of education management into domestic education, but also a comprehensive analysis of their positive and negative impact on the functioning of the educational system. It was determined that many countries of the European Union consider the idea of introducing a decentralized model of education management to be progressive, therefore, studying the experience of the functioning of mechanisms of public management of the education system of European countries is instructive for the post-war development of the education management system in Ukraine. The article notes that in Poland, the management of reform processes and activities of secondary education institutions is carried out by self-governing bodies. Here, the powers of the public regarding control over the activities of educational institutions of local communities are maximally expanded, which are strengthened by the organizational and financial responsibility of local authorities for the development of education. Financing of school education in Poland is carried out from the state budget, and local self-government bodies set the rules for paying teachers, are responsible for investing in education, and set the rules for receiving and using private funds by schools. It is noted that the decentralized system of education management in Germany is determined by its federal structure: each state conducts its own educational policy.
It was concluded that the democratization of the society of Poland and Germany is characterized by the search for such options of education management that would most successfully ensure the support of educational institutions from the local community. In these countries, it was considered expedient to abandon the system of centralized management of the network of educational institutions and transfer responsibility to the local executive authorities in whose territory they are located. The considered experience of functioning of the decentralized model can be useful when introducing similar models in Ukraine.
Communal Institution of Higher Education, "DNIPRO Academy of Continuing Education"
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