1. (2)F. Itakura and S. Saito, “Analysis synthesis telephony based upon the maximum likelihood method,” Proc. 6th International Cong. Acoust. (ICA’68), no. C-5-5, pp. C17-20, 1968.
2. (3)B. S. Atal and M. R. Schroeder, “Predictive coding of speech signals,” Proc. 6th International Cong. Acoust. (ICA’68), no. C-5-4, pp. C13-16, 1968.
3. (4)B. S. Atal, “The history of linear prediction,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 154-161, 2006.
4. (7)F. Itakura and S. Saito, “On the optimum quantization of feature parameters in the PARCOR speech synthesizer,” Proc. 1972 Conf. Speech Commun. Process. pp. 434-437, 1972.
5. (8)F. Itakura, “Line spectrum representation of linear predictive coefficients of speech signals,”J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 57, no. 533(A), 1975.