1. [1] S. Adachi and Y. Mushiake,“Theoretical formulation for circular loop antennas by integral equation method,”Sci. Rep., RITS, B-(Elect. Comm.), Tohoku Univ., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 9-18, March 1957.
2. [2] S. Adachi and Y. Mushiake,“Studies of large circular antennas,”Sci. Rep. B-(Elect. Comm.), Tohoku Univ., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 79-103, Sept. 1957.
3. [3] S. Adachi and Y. Mushiake,“Directive loop antennas,”Sci. Rep., B-(Elect. Comm.), Tohoku Univ., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 105-112, Sept. 1957.
4. [4] W. E. Blore,“The radar cross section of ogives, double-backed cones, double-rounded cones and cone spheres,”IEEE Trans. AP, vol. AP-12, no. 9, pp. 582-590, Sept. 1964.
5. [5] G. T. Ruck, D. E. Barrik, and W. D. Stuart, Radar Cross Section Hand-book, Plenum Press, 1970.