1. Microcrystallinity of Undoped Amorphous Silicon Films and Its Effects on the Transfer Characteristics of Thin-Film Transistors
2. Stable microcrystalline silicon thin-film transistors produced by the layer-by-layer technique
3. Study of the Drain Leakage Current in Bottom-Gated Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors by Conduction and Low-Frequency Noise Measurements
4. [4] F. Templier, M. Oudwan, F. Sermet, A. Abramov, and P. Roca i Cabarrocas, “Improvement of threshold voltage stability with bottom-gate polymorphous silicon thin film transistors,” Proc. ITC 07/SID-ME Spring Meeting 2007, Rome, Italy, Jan. 2007.
5. [5] J. Brochet, M. Oudwan, D. Daineka, P. Roca i Cabarrocas, and F. Templier, “Electrical characterization of polymorphous thin-film transistors for application to active-matrix OLED displays,” Proc. International Thin-Film Transistor Conference 2009 (ITC'09)/SID-ME Spring Meeting 2009, pp.157-160, Palaiseau, France, March 2009.