1. [1] Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Luca Henzen, Willi Meier and Raphael C.-W. Phan, “SHA-3 proposal BLAKE,” [online] http://www.131002.net/blake/blake.pdf
2. [2] J.W. Bos and D. Stefan, “Performance analysis of the SHA-3 candidates on exotic multi-core architectures,” CHES 2010, 2011.
3. [3] Samuel Neves, “ChaCha implementation,” [online] http://eden.dei.uc.pt/~sneves/chacha/chacha.html
4. [4] J.-P. Aumasson, “reference C implementation for NIST's API,” [online] http://131002.net/blake
5. [5] J.-P. Aumasson, “optimized C implementation for NIST's API,” [online] http://131002.net/blake