1. (3)T. Uebo, Y. Okubo, and T. Iritani, “Standing wave radar capable of measuring distances down to zero meters,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E88-B, no.6, pp.2609–2615, June 2005.
2. (4)T. Uebo, T. Kitagawa, and T. Iritani, “Short range radar utilizing standing wave of microwave or millimeter wave,” Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2001, pp.95–99, 2001.
3. (5)N. Nakasako, T. Uebo, A. Mori, and N. Ohmata, “Fundamental consideration on distance estimation using acoustical standing wave,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E91-A, no.4, pp.1218–1221, April 2008.
4. (6)N. Ohmata, T. Uebo, N. Nakasako, and A. Mori, “Distance measurement by audible sound (Utilization of band-limited signal with random phase),” Proc. of The China-Japan Joint Conference of Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007) , pp.1–6, 2007.
5. (7)T. Uebo, N. Nakasako, N. Ohmata, and A. Mori, “Distance measurement based on standing wave for band-limited audible sound with random phase,” Acoust. Sci. Technol., vol.30, no.1, pp.18–24, 2009.