1. [1] Guidelines & Recommendations to create the foundations for a thriving MaaS Ecosystem, White Paper, MaaS Alliance, 2017.
2. [2] S. Sedlik, “Is MaaS real or a utopian dream?,” presented at SIS04, ITS World Congress 2017, Montreal, 2017.
3. [3] J.L. Sochor, H. Arby, and M. Karlsson, “The topology of mobility as a service: A tool for understanding effects on business and society, user behavior, and technical requirements,” ITS World Congress 2017, Montreal, 2017.
4. [4] ITS Australia Head Office, Mobility as a Service in Australia, Customer insights and opportunities, 2018, http://www.its-australia.com.au/MaaSReport/
5. [5] Whim website, https://whimapp.com/