1. [1] IEEE Std. 802.16e-2005, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems, Amendment 2: Physical and Medium Access Control Layers for Combined Fixed and Mobile Operation in Licensed Bands, and IEEE Std. 802.16-2004/Cor1-2005, Corrigendum 1, 2006.
2. [2] IEEE Std. 802.16m-2011, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems, Amendment 3: Advanced Air Interface, May 2011.
3. [3] Report ITU-R M.2134 Requirements related to technical performance for IMT-Advanced radio interface(s), 2008.
4. Energy saving mechanism in the IEEE 802.16e wireless MAN
5. Energy management in the IEEE 802.16e MAC