1. [1] National Science Foundation. http://www.nets-find.net/
2. [2] European Commission, ICT Research in FP7, ICT Challenge 1: Pervasive and Trustworthy Network and Service Infrastructures. http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/programme/challenge1_en.html
3. [3] National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, New-Generation Network R&D Project. http://nwgn.nict.go.jp/index_e.html
4. [4] National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, New-Generation Network R&D Project, Diversity & Inclusion: Networking the Future Vision and Technology Requirements for a New-Generation Network. http://nwgn.nict.go.jp/report/NWGN-Vision-NICT-Report-V2-2009-EN.pdf
5. [5] National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, “AKARI” Architecture Design Project for New Generation Network. http://akari-project.nict.go.jp/eng/index2.htm