1. [1] UPnP Forum, “UPnP device architecture 1.0,” April 2008.
2. [2] ISO/IEC CD 14543-5-1, Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) Architecture — Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3-Core Protocol, 2010.
3. [3] Konnex Association, KNX Handbook for Home and Building Control, 5th ed., 2006.
4. [4] ISO/IEC CD 14543-4-1, Information technology — Home electronic system (HES) architecture — Part 4-1: Communication layers — Application layer for network enhanced control devices of HES Class 1, 2008.
5. [5] ECHELON, “Introduction to the LonWorks System 1.0,” (078-0183-01B), 2009.