1. [1] Federal Communication Commission Document 08-260, “Second report and order and memorandum opinion and order: In the Matter of Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands,” Nov. 14, 2008.
2. [2] Ofcom, “Digital Dividend: Cognitive access statement on licence-exempting cognitive devices using interleaved spectrum,” July 2009.
3. [3] CEPT, “Terms of Reference SE43,” available at: http://www.cept.org/F113EB40-7941-455A-952B-EC04A54C8B2.W5Doc?frames=no\&
4. [4] Cognitive Radio systems for efficient sharing of TV White Spaces in European Context, available at: http://www.ict-cogeu.eu/
5. [5] MIC, Japan, “Examination team for new radio usage vision,” Communication News, vol.20, no.20, Jan. 2010.