Financial Performance Determinant: Evidence On Energy And Mineral Sector


Daud Fahkruddin Sedovandara ,Dewa Putra Krishna Mahardika


Financial performance is essential to the company because financial performance indicates company health. This study intends to present simultaneous and partial empirical evidence on the effect of environmental management systems, asset management, and capital structure on financial performance in the energy and mineral sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2021. The number of samples that can be obtained is 50, totalling 200 observations. Hypothesis testing in this study is used descriptive statistics with panel data regression analysis. The results showed that environmental management systems, asset management, and capital structure simultaneously affect financial performance. Partially, the environmental management system does not affect financial performance, asset management positively affects financial performance, and capital structure negatively affects financial performance.


Universitas Tarumanagara


General Medicine

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