1. Türkiye, Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Araştırma Kurumu
2. Gazı University
Using the gamma spectroscopy system, it can be determined whether environmental samples or standard radioactive sources are radioactive, and from which elements their radioactivity originates. The purpose of Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is to model a real-life system with its inputs and evaluate the outputs with real results. This study calculates the experimental efficiency of a p-type HPGe detector using a 0.5 g/cc Epoxy Matrix Marinelli beaker and compares these results with GESPECOR and PHITS MC Simulation programs. Thus, the thickness of the dead layer, which thickens over time and affects the detector efficiency, was determined from the most compatible result of the MC calculations made repeatedly at various alternative thicknesses to the experimental results. For 1.5 mm dead layer thickness, less than 2 % error was found between the test and MC results, especially at energies above 165 keV. As a result, it was determined that the dead layer thickness of the detector reached 1.5 mm with an increase of 114 % after its production. The current value of the dead layer thickness of each detector should be checked, as the efficiency affects the determination of the activity.
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