The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of the Nature of Science and Teaching (NSAT) course, which is included in the general culture elective curriculum of the faculty of education, on the students' thoughts about the nature of scientific knowledge.The sample of the study consists of 40 students taking the Nature and Teaching of Science (NTS) course. In this course, subjects related to the nature of science were discussed based on students' thoughts. At the beginning and end of this process, the "Nature of Science Scale" (NSS) was applied to the students. The pre-test and post-test data of these applications were analyzed quantitatively. When the results of the analysis were evaluated, it was determined that the NSAT course led to a statistically significant improvement in the students' thoughts on the nature of science, as scientific knowledge was open to change and in the sub-dimension of science.
Mugla Sitki Kocman University Journal of Education
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