Tsyrenova Valentina B., ,Lumbunova Natalya B.,
In the modern world, digital technologies are not only a tool of the educational process, but also a living environment that opens up new educational opportunities. The system of “digital” education imposes certain requirements on students, the main ones of which are self-organization and self-motivation of educational activities. The article aims to solve the problem of increasing students' educational motivation in the modern conditions of total digitization. The authors conclude that the basis of self-education is internal motives, but they cannot be formed without external ones since internal needs appear only thanks to external influences. The creation of an external environment requires consideration of the peculiarities of young people's cognitive development. Modern students have a primarily visual thinking, a short-term memory with signs of transactional memory, an increased speed of receiving information under distracted attention, and an ability to study in a multitasking mode. When organizing education in a digital educational environment, taking into account the characteristics of representatives of the digital generation, one should turn to the structural elements of didactics: “teaching”, “learning”, “content”, “method”. In modern conditions, the elements themselves remain unchanged, but the relationships between them are modified. In the context of increasing educational motivation, the elements include change of the teacher's role; self-organization by a student of their educational activities, choice of their individual trajectory of study, forms and methods of educational activities; the use of interactive forms of teaching and assessment (blended learning, digital platform, virtual simulators, webinars, video lectures, joint sessions, etc.); group interaction in the form of collaborative learning with student-program-student, student-program-teacher relationships; the use of interactive teaching methods, typical group and team forms of work (collaborations, storytelling, gamification, project method, etc.). The results do not contradict the factors influencing the formation of sustainable motivation for learning activities stated by E.P. Ilyin and A.K. Markova, and are also confirmed by the answers to the survey among students.
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