The inorganic chemicals that surround us: role of tellurium, selenium and zinc on behavioural functions in mammals


Alvarez Edgardo O.,Sacchi Osvaldo J.,Ratti Silvia G.


Living organisms live in continuous interaction with its environment. During this process changes in one can induce adaptive responses on the other. Many factors in the environment have been studied with the notorious distinction of been rare or to be of high intensity strength in its interaction with living organisms. However, little attention has been put on some factors that have constant interaction with organisms but usually have low intensity strength, such as the case of the inorganic chemical environment that surrounds us. In this review, the interaction between the chemical element and living organisms is discussed under a theoretical model of interaction between compartments, giving attention to tellurium (Te), zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) on some cognitive functions in human and animals. After studies in our laboratory of the phenotypic expression of the HSR (Hand Skill Relative) gene in school children community living in geographic zone rich in minerals and mines of La Rioja province, Argentine, where Te was found to be in higher non-toxic concentrations, a translational experimental model to maturing rats exposed to this trace element was made. Te was found to increase some parameters related to locomotion in an open field induced by novelty and exploratory motivation. At the same time, inhibition of lateralized responses, survival responses and social activity was also observed. Some of these changes, particularly those related to lateralization had similarity with that found previously in children of La Rioja province. Discussion of similarities and discrepancies of biologic effects between animals and humans, about the possible meaning of Te and its interaction with Zn and Se with relevance to humans was analyzed.


Tsinghua University Press







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