1. "International code of zoological nomenclature." (1999)
2. "Odonata in the Swedish MuseumofNaturalHistory." (2002)
3. A.N. Bartenev, "Trudy obshchestva estestvoispytateley pri Kazanskom Universitete [Proceedings of the society of nature explorers at the Kazan' University." 41, "Kollektsiya strekoz iz okrestnostey oz. Uvil'dy Ekaterinburgsko-go uezda Permskoy gubernii [A collection of dragonflies from the environs of lake Uvil'dy of Ekaterinburg District of Perm' Governorate]." 3 (1908)
4. J. Belle, "Studies on the Fauna of Suriname and other Guyanas." 16, "Dragon flies of the genus Zonophora with special reference to its Surinam representatives." 60 (1963)
5. J. Belle, "Studies on the Fauna of Suriname and other Guyanas." 43, "Studies on South American Gomphidae (Odonata) with special reference to the species from Surinam." 1 (1970)