Information needs of farmers on cultivation of salad cucumber Cucumis sativus under polyhouse


C P PoornimaORCID,A S Husain


The conventional practice of crop production is now giving its way to hi-tech farming practices. Salad cucumber (Cucumis sativus), is a relatively new crop in Kerala and has proven yield benefit under polyhouse conditions. The study intended to assess the information needs of farmers regarding various technical and cultivation aspects of salad cucumber production under polyhouse. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (W) and mean values were used to identify the information needs. Most of the cultivation aspects fell under either the ‘highly essential’ or ‘moderately needed’ information category. The technical aspects of construction, maintenance and repair of polyhouse were the most critical information need of farmers along with the specifics of fertilizers for polyhouse and fertigation system. Pests, diseases and nutrient deficiency problems were also the main concerns of farmers. Weed management and pollination, with low mean scores were among the least felt information need. Hence, these aspects are also found to be among essential needs. The study elucidated that an efficient information delivery system through appropriate channels is required to boost polyhouse cultivation of vegetables in Kerala.


Society for Promotion of Horticulture







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