Spisák Bernadett,Bézi Zoltán,Szávai Szabolcs
Welding is accompanied by the presence of weld residual stresses, which in case of dissimilar metal welds even with post weld heat treatment cannot be removed completely therefore they should be considered when assessing possible welding defects. The measurement of residual stress in metal weld is a very complex procedure and also in the investigated case could not be carried out as it is the part of a working plant. However, by modelling these processes, the residual stresses and deformation of the components caused by this manufacturing method can be determined. It is important to calculate these values as accurately as possible to determine the maximum load capacity of the structure. The structure under examination was the dissimilar metal weld of a VVER-440 steam generator. 2D simulations were performed, where temperature and phase-dependent material properties were implemented. Different loading scenarios were considered in the numerical analysis. The results can be useful to determine the real loading conditions of a given component and can be used to predict stress corrosion crack initiation locations, as well as to evaluate the lifetime and failure mode prediction of welded joints.
Periodica Polytechnica Budapest University of Technology and Economics
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2 articles.