Use of numerical modeling in analysis of aeroelastic interaction of rolling stock with tunnel constructions


Bogdanov Nikita1,Vatulin Yan2,Vorob'ev Aleksandr2,Sotnikov Kirill2


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

2. Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University


Purpose of the work: study of the formation of a complex air structure under conditions of rolling stock movement along extended underground structures using numerical modeling methods. Methods: an analysis of the influence of aerodynamic factors on rolling stock, passengers and railway infrastructure was carried out based on the finite element and volume method. The reasons for the occurrence of a compacted air zone, which appears in front of the head car of the train and exerts significant resistance to the movement of the train using the “Frozen Rotor” method, have been investigated. The indicators of energy efficiency and safety of the process of freight and passenger transportation are analyzed, taking into account the processes of aerodynamic interaction of moving rolling stock and artificial tunnel-type structures. Results: using numerical modeling and the use of the “Frozen Rotor” method, it was possible to obtain a qualitative picture of the distribution of transverse vortex air flows resulting from the occurrence of viscous friction. Regularities were discovered in the changes in the dynamics of pressure and speed of air masses on the surface of the head fairing when a train enters a tunnel. The fact of the negative impact of zones of high and low pressure, as well as their sharp drop, on the locomotive crew and passengers has been established. Practical significance: the possibility of conducting research in the field of aerodynamics of railway transport using modern numerical modeling methods is shown. This topic is very relevant in the field of designing high-speed rolling stock.


Petersburg State Transport University

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