Intra-city Railway Connection Within the “core” of Agglomeration


Kalmykov Mikhail1,Korovyakovskiy Evgeny1,Sholtysek Jacek12


1. Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University

2. University of Economics in Katowice


Purpose: To develop a proposal to increase the attractiveness of railway transport by launching an intra-city route in municipalities where the construction of metro stations is not expected in the next decade. Analysis of the settlement of agglomeration and zones of gravity to agglomeration “core”. Analysis of the existing railway transport infrastructure. Analysis of suburban traffic in the Vitebsk direction. Identification of the problems of uneven development of transport infrastructure in the St. Petersburg agglomeration and adjacent territories, the problem of congestion of urban infrastructure in the conditions of rapid development of residential building of territories and the lag in infrastructure development. Analysis of possible passenger traffic on the route of intra-city railway connection Kupchino-Rzhevka-Devyatkino. Methods: Statistical research, analysis and synthesis, the method of polygon approach. Results: The project passenger turnover in the direction of Kupchino — Rzhevka — Devyatkino was determined. The route of a new urban communication with high capacity in areas with a poorly developed transport system and promising areas for housing construction is proposed, the route also connects southern, eastern and northern areas of the agglomeration. Practical importance: The development of intra-city communication routes with small traffic intervals, providing an attractiveness of more ecological transport compared to automobile one, with such traffic that’s independent of situation on street road network.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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