Search Automation for Failures of Pointer Radio Sensors with the Use of Technical Diagnosing and Monitoring Means


Horoshev Valeriy1


1. Russian University of Transport (MIIT)


The article is devoted to the matter of automatic diagnosing of automation hump devices such as pointer radio sensors. The matter vitality is in that considered in the article the kind of sensors fulfills important control function of turnout occupancy, but sensors’ data diagnosing is made manually and takes certain time. This time directly influences the recovery time of an object at happened failure and the more this time the lower the capacity of a sorting station. The article’s author proposes integrating into hump diagnostic complex program software of diagnostic algorithms for diagnostic procedure automation for being investigated devices. The article considers: investigation object structure, possible failures and pre-failures, the specificities of pursuing maintenance of an object. The author holds algorithm synthesis for manual diagnosing of an object and corresponding labor costs. The article proposes as an example - to solve applied tasks of object diagnosing with the use of questionnaire theory and to optimize diagnostic algorithms in real time with the use of root question method. Besides, the author considers and proposes modernized approach to all maintenance cycle for pointer radio sensors; the cycle will allow to free hours of personnel labor costs for the maintenance of investigated sensors for the production of other, no less important works.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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