Provision of Cyber Security for Microprocessor and Relay Processor Interlocking Systems on Russia Railway JSC. Prospects and Practical Application of the Remedies


Moiseev Vladimir1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


The article expounds major aspects of cyber protection provision for railway automation and remote control system series, the developments made by staff of Computer railway technology center of Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. Major topical provisions in the sphere of development and designing of microprocessor interlocking distributed systems, including regulatory provision, are considered. Promising domestic informational safety remedies are presented and analysis of requirements on cyber safety for microprocessor and relay processor interlocking systems is made as well as practical realization of measure series on cyber safety level rise for railway automation and remote control systems is presented. A number of technical solutions in the field of cyber security in the implementation of distributed control systems in railway transport are considered using the example of microprocessor interlocking system MPC-MPK.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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