Test Bench, Ice Sensor Test Results


Bubnov Vladimir1,Barausov Viktor2,Zabuzov Vyacheslav3,Sultonov Shohruh1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

2. KTN Ltd

3. Military-Space Academy named after Mozhayskiy A.F.


The article presents a test bench for studying the characteristics of the sensor for detecting ice or snow on any controlled surface. To conduct a laboratory experiment, a test bench has been developed, consisting of three parts: executive one, which includes a test object and systems, that ensure the impact of various operational factors; informational-control one, which includes control systems and measuring systems that inform on a test object and bench behavior parameters; power supply systems. ATmega2560 microcontroller on ARDUINO Mega 2560 hardware platform with SD card and real-time clock was used as an icing sensor controller. Block diagram of the test bench is given. Testing program and methodology are presented. Based on the test results, dependences of platen working surface temperature from the time passed after heater cut-in were plotted. For to save time, pre-prepared pieces of ice were placed on surface of the platens in order to simulate their icing. To evaluate icing sensor functioning in real weather conditions and to assess method for icing detection on a working surface, a computer simulation model was developed and studied in MATLAB environment. It allows to hold analysis of ongoing thermal processes in the system “object of heating”. The results of the fulfilled tests are discussed.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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