Traction calculations taking into account additional data


Kokurin Iosif1,Pushkin Il'ya2


1. N. S. Solomenko Transport Problems Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


The article discusses the technological aspects of automated adjustment of standard train schedules using software robots. The information environment and existing technology for main-taining standard freight train schedules are considered. Information is provided on the implemen-tation of robotic process automation in corporate information systems operated in traffic control directorates. The stages and results of automating the adjustment of standard train schedules using software robots are considered. A generalized diagram of the process of adjusting standard train schedules using a software robot and a special data converter is presented. A fragment of the robot code for uploading the standard schedule into the Elbrus hardware and software complex is given. The issues of using Python programming language libraries to automate processes are considered. An assessment was made of the effectiveness of using software robots to adjust standard sched-ules. The possibilities of joint robotic and intelligent automation for adjusting train schedules are considered.


Petersburg State Transport University

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