Organizing Information Structure for a Digital Station Control System


Groshev Vasiliy1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


The article is devoted to the study of control systems for the operation of railway station, driven by the trend in the industry towards the development and implementation of digital control systems that increase the functionality of the technological means used. The analysis of automated control systems used on railways and in the metro is carried out, their advantages and disadvantages are described. It is shown that it is necessary to build a digital system of operational control of the station, which provides automation of such intellectual functions as planning operations, forming tasks and monitoring their implementation by responsible departments. In the presented work, the synthesis of the information structure of such a system is carried out, providing the receipt, transmission and processing of data, the source of which is currently operated automated railway transport systems for various purposes. The gates of the structure (databases, information arrays) are defined, their description is given, connections between them are built, implemented functions are described. The concept of a model unit as a data package describing the information stored in the system for each element of the technological process of the station is formulated. Examples of algorithms for the functioning of the described structure in terms of movement control and the formation of model units of rolling stock located in the control loop of the system are given. Possible directions for further research are formulated.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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