The School of Engineering Entrepreneurship as a Basis of the Fourth Generation Transport University Image


Panychev Aleksandr1,Pokrovskaya Oksana1,Blazhko Lyudmila2,Sacuk Tat'yana2,Drozdova Mariya2


1. Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University

2. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


Purpose: To describe the first results of a unique experience of Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS) as a branch transport university where there has been created a school of engineering entrepreneurship in the university scientific-educational ecosystem. Methods: System analysis of open sources of the Internet and of PGUPS development program till 2030; as well as ecosystem, modular and project approaches for organizing the work of engineering entrepreneurship school. Results: The study shows that the search for effective formats for the development of human capital becomes particularly relevant in ensuring national technological sovereignty, and the creation of an engineering entrepreneurship school on a university basis as a new format for generating and integrating innovations is a time dictate. The key purpose of an engineering entrepreneurship school is an intellectual elite preparation by educational modules of entrepreneurship, engineering and inventive creativity of students with the formation of a unique pool of competencies in organization and management of full lifecycle of projects, innovations and high-tech production. It is noted that a branch university image is transformed into an ecosystem capable of creating a unique entrepreneurial space for involving students, employees and industrial partners into their own know-how hub. Practical significance: The application and subsequent scaling of the unique experience of PSUPS as a branch university will allow to pursue outrunning training of human capital with expanded scarce competencies and will form growth points in the competitiveness of transport education in modern Industry 4.0.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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