Modernization of Electric Locomotive Axle Box for Radial Installation of a Wheelset in a Curve


Gayshinec Il'ya1,Doronin Sergey1,Doronina Irina1


1. Far Eastern State Transport University


Purpose: Modernization of electric locomotive axle box for to eliminate the shortcomings of existing schemes for wheelset radial installation in a curve and to perform strength calculation based on stress-strain state of a model. Methods: The research was carried out by finite element method in modern machine-building computeraided design system. Results: The first version of axle box new design has been developed. The performed studies have shown that in several locations, stresses exceed material yield strength, leading to destruction of the model. There are shortcomings in geometric shapes of parts and in the transfer of control forces to the box body. Ways to improve the design are outlined. Practical significance: The modernized design of locomotive axle box assembly will allow to reduce significantly control moment quantity, movement resistance, the intensity of lateral wear of wheel set and rail flanges without big changes in a bogie frame.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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