Improving Freight and Commercial Work on Railway Transport: Concept and Tools


Smirnov Fedor1,Novichihin Alexey1,Kovalev Konstantin1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


Purpose: The article offers a solution to the problem of low efficiency of freight and commercial work at railway stations with a small loading volume. The goals and objectives of the national project “Digital Economy” and the program “Digital Railway” are considered. The methods of improving freight and commercial work currently used in railway transport to increase the productivity of stations and to increase workload without capital investments in infrastructure are outlined. A prospective algorithm for processing wagons on departure has been formed. The concept of improving the technology of receiving a wagon for transportation is proposed. An intelligent system for receiving wagons for transportation using a neural network has been developed. The results of the development of a program for determining the types of rolling stock in the image are shown. Methods: Methods of analysis, synthesis and neural networks, the theory of automatic control are used. Results: A solution to the problem of increasing the efficiency of the technology of receiving wagons for transportation at stations with insignificant loading volumes is proposed. Practical significance: The introduction of the developed intelligent system at railway stations will improve the quality and speed of commercial inspection when accepting a car for transportation.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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