The Use of New Generation Disinfectants in Solving Modern Disinfection Problems in the Water Supply and Sewerage Sector


Paramonova Lyubov'1,Amelichkin Stanislav1,Mahon'ko Elena1,Terehov Lev1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


Purpose: To consider and evaluate alternative methods of water disinfection and disinfection of water supply and sewerage facilities and to select the most effective. To determine the possibility of using several agents at the same time, to select disinfectants with a biodegradable composition, the use of which will help reduce the negative impact on the environment. Methods: Comparison of the composition and effectiveness of existing disinfectants. Results: The necessity of using various combinations of disinfectants to reduce the likelihood of resistance in microorganisms to biocides is indicated. The most promising method for treating structures is the aerosol method, which allows achieving the necessary disinfection effect with small doses of the reagent. The use of multi-component disinfectants (such as the “Silver Bullet” anolyte and biocide) is safe for humans and the environment due to their composition, it also helps prevent microbial habituation to the substances. Practical significance: Due to the conditions of water intake changing for the worse and stricter regulations for the content of harmful substances in drinking water, the use of combined schemes for water disinfection and disinfection of structures has most potetial.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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