Application of the Internet of Things Technology for Data Transmission from an Automatic Grounding Resistance Meter


Evdokimova Ol'ga1,Kucenko Sergey1,Meshkov Bair1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


Purpose: To organize operational automatic monitoring of the real state of one of the important technical elements of the Directorate of Communications and the Directorate of Infrastructure of JSC “Russian Railways” — of the grounding systems for communication, signaling, centralization and blockage (SCB). Methods: Comparative analysis of the technical characteristics of devices existing in the relevant telecommunications equipment market that implement the Internet of things technology and standard switching solutions for various devices with a unified monitoring and administration system (UMAS). Results: An optimal solution has been obtained for collecting and automatically transmitting information of such a parameter as the electrical resistance of the grounding device. A technical solution is proposed that allows to coordinate the collection of information by means of necessary sensors used in the implementation of the Internet of Things technology, network equipment and the transmission of information to the UMAS by means of a modular diagnostic complex and transmitting devices (switching equipment and multiplexers) provided by LLC “Pulsar-Telecom Design Bureau”. Practical significance: A comprehensive solution for collecting, transmitting and monitoring the condition of the object is proposed, which allows to respond promptly to changes in such an important parameter as the resistance of the grounding device in order to plan the activities of repair, operational and restoration teams and other services of enterprises of the directorates of communications and infrastructure. A comparative analysis of three technologies of the Internet of Things — LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, STRIZH, allowing to assess the advantages and disadvantages of each in achieving the goal.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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