Creation of Automated Program for Calculating the Values of Target Indicators for Traffic Schedule Implementation


Ul'yanickaya Viktoriya12,Ivanova Elizaveta1,Isakova Dar'ya1,Kishikova Aleksandra1


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

2. North-Western Regional Center for Information-and-Reference Support for Clients of Railway Stations Directorate


Purpose: Achievement of the autonomy of calculations of target indicators for the implementation of passenger and suburb train schedule, decision-making and operational management, based on obtained calculations. Writing the program "Calculation of Target Indicator Values for Traffic Schedule Implementation" is due to the need to improve process implementation quality and to obtain maximal efficiency of planning and management system in a whole. Methods: Pascal programming language was used to automate the calculation of target indicators. Results: Creation and writing of independent software product with the preservation of organizational and mathematical methods of the work with information for to make managerial decisions. Practical significance: Automated calculation of target indicators for passenger and suburb train traffic schedule implementation will allow passenger complex all participants to consider the automation of the group of the processes related to information collection and processing on the process implementation "Train Traffic Schedule Implementation" through a single window. The proposed software product can be recommended for practical usage in the passenger complex of JSC "Russian Railways".


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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