Budget Sequestration As a Way to Increase the Efficiency of Cost Management in Aviation Activities


Palamarchuk Gennadiy1,Liberman Pavel2,Kuz'menkova Veronika3


1. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

2. St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Marshal Alexander Novikov

3. Military Institute (Railway Troops and Military Communications) of the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khrulev


Purpose: To consider the issue of determining and evaluating the effectiveness of cost management in aviation activities. Methods: Methods of systematic analysis of risk management in aviation activities and evaluation of the effectiveness of cost management are used. Results: A study on the problems of cost management in the aviation activities of aviation enterprises has been conducted. A methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of sequestration in aviation activities is proposed. Practical significance: A methodology for assessing and determining the effectiveness of cost management in aviation activities is proposed. Understanding the biggest problems in the world and the aviation industry, as well as cost management in the organization in the future will allow companies to gain a competitive advantage and take a leading position in the aviation services market.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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