Analysis of the stress-strain state of nodal joints of high-rise buildings taking into account climatic influences


Belash Tat'yana1,Kuznecov Anatoliy2,Volodchenko Dina2


1. JSC Research Center of Construction

2. FSBEI HE "Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University"


Purpose: to analyze the design solutions of the junctions of floors with external walls in buildings erected using monolithic technology. To identify defects and damages that occur on facades and overlaps with perforations for thermal pads during construction and operation. To investigate by numerical methods the stress-strain state of the overlap disk at the junction with the outer wall, taking into account temperature influences. Materials and methods: the standard version of the nodal connection of a monolithic building of various storeys is considered. The fragment of the junction joint of the overlap disk with the wall was modeled in the Ansys and SCAD software complexes. The model consisted of an anisotropic material — concrete and reinforcement rods included in it. The behavior of the stress-strain state under various temperature influences was studied. Results: numerically, taking into account geometric parameters and temperature loads, the patterns affecting the nature of changes in the values of normal stresses in the characteristic sections of the perforated plate are revealed and the existing types of design solutions are evaluated. The locations of stress concentration zones and their impact on performance are determined. Practical significance: it is shown that the most dangerous cross-section in perforated discs of overlaps takes place at the key joints. It is determined that vulnerability in such compounds is caused by the influence of alternating cyclic temperatures. Patterns leading to an increase in normal stresses at stress concentration sites have been established. Fundamentally new design solutions have been proposed, protected by utility model patents, which allow to reduce stress values and thereby ensure higher performance in monolithic buildings, including high-rise ones.


Petersburg State Transport University

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