To assess the technical and operational condition of urban reinforced concrete bridges and overpasses


Shermuhamedov Ulugbek1,Belyy Andrey12,Sobirova Ma'mura1,Kadirova Sharofat1


1. Tashkent State Transport University

2. K2 Engineering LLC


To consider the issue of assessing the technical and operational condition of urban reinforced concrete bridges and overpasses. Study technical passports of about 300 reinforced concrete bridge structures in Tashkent. Analyze in detail and formulate the main technical and operational indicators (TEI) as criteria for assessing the technical condition of bridge structures in Tashkent. Methods: methods for assessing the technical condition of the city’s bridge park objects have been determined — absolute and relative. For this purpose their purposes are indicated. Results: the statistics were compiled on the basis of the bridge park of the city of Tashkent, carried out by the authors of a survey of 30 city bridge structures. Based on the results of the examination of selected bridge structures, it was established that the main damage to the spans and supports of reinforced concrete bridges and overpasses is caused, first of all, by the poor condition of waterproofing, expansion joints and lack of water water pipes. The main technical and operational indicators (TEI) are formulated as criteria for assessing the technical condition of bridge structures in Tashkent, such as “safety and traffic comfort”, “durability”, “load capacity”, “throughput”, and “maintainability”. Practical importance: taking into account the specifics of a large metropolis, managing the technical condition of bridge structures in Tashkent is an extremely responsible and complex task. For use in practical operation of reinforced concrete bridge structures as the most widespread objects of the city’s road transport infrastructure, a statistical analysis was performed. From a practical point of view, this information will make it possible with a sufficient degree of probability to ensure and maintain the specified regulatory (design) levels of reliability, safety and durability of bridge structures.


Petersburg State Transport University

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