New Theorems Solving Fifth Degree Polynomial Equation in Complete Forms by Proposing New Five Roots Composed of Radical Expressions


Larbaoui Yassine1


1. Department of Electrical Engineering, University Hassan 1er, Settat, Morocco


This paper is presenting new theorems and formulas to solve fifth degree polynomial equation in general forms by proposing five formulary solutions that we can calculate nearly simultaneously. The proposed roots for fifth degree polynomial in this paper are composed of radical expressions distributed in a specific architecture that allows them to neutralize each other during multiplication by eliminating radicality and reducing degrees of terms. The proposed architecture for each solution of quantic polynomial is composed of at least six distributed terms, where each term is a multiplication of a pair of radical expressions, whereas multiplications among proposed terms is allowing the reduction of degrees in order to obtain a quartic form at maximum. Furthermore, the proposed architectures of radical roots in this paper are allowing also to solve polynomial equations with degrees higher than five by reducing their expressions. As a result, this paper is presenting two new theorems to solve quantic equation in general forms, where one theorem is eliminating the expression of fourth degree then reducing the whole fifth degree equation into a simplified form, whereas the other new theorem is solving the quantic equation without eliminating the expression of fourth degree. All proposed theorems in this paper are built on a scaling logic concretized by engineering the structure of solutions then calculating the precise formulas of roots for equations, which allow to calculate all roots nearly simultaneously and forward the used engineering methodology to solve polynomial equations with degrees higher than five.


Science Publishing Group

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