Probit Analysis of Attitudes of Surrounding Farming Communities Towards Urban Expansion: Bishoftu Town, East Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State


Kedir Musba1


1. Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


The general objective of the study was to investigate the attitudes of surrounding farming community towards urban expansion and to assess whether they would accept this form of expansion close to their farming land in Bishoftu town. 303 farmers around bishoftu town was interviewed using systematic random sampling method. Yeman’s formula was used to get the appropriate sample. To analyse the data descriptive and econometric method were used. From descriptive percentage and frequency, was employed and probit econometric model was used to analyse determinant factors which affect the perception for urbanization as opportunity or treat. From these six variables where significantly affected the perception of the farmers at different significant level. This are age, level of education housing type, total agricultural produce income, religion, ethnicity and land holding. From this research result it is recommended to provide training for farmers about the importance of urbanization. We must give due attention in the process of urbanization for not affecting the major farm land. And the government of Ethiopia should focus on non-farmable areas in the process of urbanization and urban expansion.


Science Publishing Group

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