Composition of Parasitoid Wasps in Insect Pests of Rice (Rice Leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis Medinalis Guenée)


Sokheng Khem1ORCID,Darith Siek2ORCID,Yorn Try3,Kim Heng4,Channy Leng1


1. Regional Polytechnic Institute TechoSen Battambang, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

2. Regional Polytechnic Institute TechoSen Battambang, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China

3. National Meanchey University, Serei Saophoan, Cambodia

4. Faculty of Business Administration, Build Bright University, Serei Saophoan, Cambodia


Biological control is one aspect of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The method focusses on natural enemies; beneficial insects are applied for biological control of agricultural insect pests and also provide an environmentally friendly approach. For the rice pests including Rice Leaf Folder (RLF), several parasitoids tend to be natural enemies that could be used to control the pest from the egg stage to pupa. This study was conducted with two varieties of rice, namely “Sen Kra Oub” and “Sro Ngea” at Battambang Province of Cambodia. Parasitoid wasps were collected from egg to pupa stages of RLF and rice yellow stem borer by rearing method, and stored in 70% of alcohol solution before sending for identification in Vietnam’s Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR) Laboratory. The outcomes revealed that five hymenopteran parasitic wasps of three different families were found, viz. Apanteles cypris Nixon, Bracon onukii Watanabe and Pentatermus striatus (Szepligeti) (Braconidae), Xanthopimla flavolineata Cameron (Ichneumonidae), and Telenomus rowani Gahan (Scelionidae) and being the primary parasitoids of rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee; stemborer Scirpophaga incertulas Walker (Pyralidae) and black branded swift Pelopidas mathias (Hesperiidae). Parasitism was not found at the vegetative phase with Sen Kra Ob varieties but in reproductive phase. parasitism proportion was 16.66% and 28.57% to 50% in ripening phase, different from Sro Ngea variety where a proportion was found in vegetative phase 27.27%, reproductive phase at 28.57% to 40% and 28.57% to 43% in ripening phase. All the hymenopteran parasitoids were initially recorded in Cambodia, whereby all the parasitoids were potential agents for biological control for important rice insect pests. The outcome of this research suggests that the Government should invest more in the research and development for biological control in Cambodia.


Science Publishing Group

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