Pavement Service Life Prediction with PLAXIS 3D in Bangladesh


Hossain Muhammad1,Shakil Shahriar1,Barua Hritu1,Shoeb Kazi1


1. Department of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh


This research aims to forecast the service life of the flexible pavement in Bangladesh. The service life of flexible pavement is greatly affected by the climate and traffic load. Pavements are severely deteriorated by the overweight trucks, shortening their lifespan. The study aims to predict the service life of a flexible road using the PLAXIS 3D software. The PYTHON algorithm was utilized for the pre- and post-processing of new mechanistic empirical approach based on the AASHTO 2008 design standard. PLAXIS 3D was used for realistic soil & damage modelling and to obtain a reliable service life. Rajshahi City Bypass Nowhata Road was chosen as the study area for this study because the road condition of Nowhata is defected day by day and the number of moving vehicles with high axle load also increasing. This research has established to give the valid data to the authority according to the construction materials of flexible pavement to get better performance and proper use of materials. This road is constructed under the Road & Highway Department (RHD), Rajshahi Zone. This study shows realistic results based on temperature, soil data of subgrade and the materials property used in the PLAXIS 3D software and PYTHON programming language.


Science Publishing Group

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