1. Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
The history of economic and accounting development shows that the more the economy develops, the more important accounting is; the more the economy develops, the stronger the ability of accounting information to promote or hinder economic development. In the long history of accounting, measurement has always been the core of accounting. The choice of accounting methods focuses on the choice of measurement attributes, rather than the choice of measurement units. With the development of market economy and knowledge economy, the accounting information provided by historical cost accounting only involves past costs and ignores future values. It cannot reflect changes in the economic environment in a timely and complete manner, and has no connection with the economic decision-making process. The measurement of fair value can reflect the current and future changes in the economic environment in a timely and complete manner. In the more than ten years since it has been in line with the international accounting community, the issue of fair value has always been an urgent problem to be solved. Corresponding research on related issues, from theoretical review to the practical application of fair value measurement. At present, the control of fair value measurement by Chinese enterprises is still not stable enough, and how to effectively improve is still an in-depth question.