1. Faculty of Tarbiyah UNIB Situbondo, Sukorejo Situbondo, Indonesia
2. Department of Educational Technology, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
The inquiry learning process should be seen as a stimulus that can challenge students to feel involved or participate in learning activities both in digesting, observing, analyzing, responding and answering problems that are being experienced. Any learning carried out by a teacher has the aim of achieving maximum learning outcomes, so he must master the material taught using a variety of learning methods in general (lectures, discussions, questions and answers, giving assignments) and specifics such as effective and fun inquiry (PAIKEM) in order to boost student learning outcomes. The condition of students when learning Islamic Religious Education subjects (not serious about carrying out assignments, reluctant to ask questions, argue, connect subject matter with the real world, students' ability to accept lessons is low) so that learning outcomes are not optimal. The various obstacles above can be found alternative solutions with the creativity of the teacher to package Islamic Religious Education subject matter using the inquiry method in the hope that learning outcomes will improve better than before.
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