Fermionic and Bosonic Partition Functions at Imaginary Chemical Potential as Bloch Functions


Filothodoros Evangelos Georgiou1


1. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece


In this work it is pointed out that the phase transitions of the <i>d</i>+1 Gross-Neveu (fermionic) and <I>CP<SUP>N</SUP></I><sup>−1</sup> (bosonic) models at finite temperature and imaginary chemical potential can be mapped to transformations of Hubbard-like regular hexagonal to square lattice with the intermediate steps to be specific surfaces (irregular hexagonal kind) with an ordered construction based on the even indexed Bloch-Wigner-Ramakrishnan polylogarithm function. The zeros and extrema of the Clausen <i>Cl<sub>d</sub></i>(<i>θ</i>) function play an important role to the analysis since they allow us not only to study the fermionic and bosonic theories and their phase transitions but also the possibility to explore the existence of conductors arising from the correspondence between the partition functions of the two models and the Bloch and Wannier functions that play a crucial role in the tight-binding approximation in solid state physics. The main aim of this work is not only to unveil the relevance of the canonical partition functions of a fermionic and a bosonic model to Bloch states by using an imaginary chemical potential but also to examine the overlap between two Bloch wave-functions that differ by a lattice momentum that calculates the momentum transfer of a Bloch wave during the interaction with a lattice point of a hexagonal construction.


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